Seaside Escape is a Puzzle game recently released on Android & IOS mobile platforms from the developer GameDots. The game is absolutely free and is already available for download on Google Play. In this article, we will provide you with information about the game, as well as give you a Seaside Escape hack that will open up new opportunities, eliminate major shortcomings, provide a lot of game resources and more. GameDots knows how to make games and you can see for yourself.

GameDots made a well-protected game, so not everyone can download a modified version of the game and install the Seaside Escape mod on their device. But you don't have to use the mod. Why? Because Asian programmers love GameDots games and make great bonus codes that you can also get absolutely free.

Puzzles are a popular game genre, and Seaside Escape is one of its best representatives. The game has good graphics, excellent control, and most importantly, an interesting gameplay. Why? Because real professionals work at GameDots. But this did not prevent the creation of secret codes.

More codes you will find. HERE.

The disadvantages of the game from GameDots are absolutely standard: a lot of advertising, lack of game resources, the difficulty of opening some elements, and much more. Seaside Escape cheats will solve all problems, remove ads, give a lot of money (resources) and much more. Below you can see a list of working codes that bypass the protection created by GameDots and give great benefits.

Seaside Escape Codes for Android and IOS:















You do not know how to enter codes? Read INSTRUCTION and do it all in one minute.

Codes do not work on the updated version of the game? The guys at GameDots can identify codes and invalidate them. If the codes do not work, write about it in the comments and we will update them.

Hacked Seaside Escape will reveal the full potential of the game. Just enter the secret codes and play without limits. GameDots does not block players for using bonus codes, so use them as much as you like. Updated cheats appear 3 days after the update of the game, so do not rush to notify us about the new version of the game.

20 thoughts on "Seaside Escape Cheat Codes for Android and iOS"

  1. Podríais subir nuevos codigos de canje para seaside escape, por favor?, no funcionan los de ahora.

  2. Siento ser pesada pero no sé como meter los códigos, ¿podrías subir las instrucciones de este juego, por favor?

    1. Por favor, sube el tuit a esta web, en serio no lo encuentro, ya lo siento si no no te lo pediría

  3. Por favor, no sé como meter los codigos, puede alguien subir en esta web las instrucciones o un link que lleve a las instrucciones.

    1. Por favor, sube en esta página las instrucciones para meter los códigos de canje en el seaside escape

  4. I really want the instructions, I sent them out on social networks, I did everything, I don’t understand what’s next

  5. A cruzar los dedos, ya compartí, comento y espero poderm obtener las instrucciones para ingresar los codigos

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